If you are the parent of a child suffering from trichotillomania, you might feel confused, embarrassed or even scared. It seems like such a bizarre bodily disorder, but truthfully, this may not be the case.
A possible reaction to stressful circumstances, Trichotillomania (trick-o-til-o-MAY-nee-ah) is a disorder that causes people to want to pull out their own hair. The following are a few tips that might help you manage your child’s Trichotillomania.
Be More Aware
First and foremost, it is important to understand as a parent that trichotillomania is not as uncommon as you might think. Time magazine reports that trichotillomania currently affects about two million Americans. The stressful adolescence phase is a common time for symptoms to start showing, where a majority start at age 12. It is also important to understand that the act of pulling out hair can feel good to your child and bring them instant gratification. Unconditional love and support is needed to help your child through this tough time.
Communicate Openly
If you find talking about the condition with your child or young adult difficult, you might want to try talking with support groups with kids near their age. If you cannot find a support group in your area, be sure to check online for support forums.
Celebrity Role Models
If a child knows that successful celebrities such as Charlize Theron, Megan Fox and Olivia Munn also suffer from trichotillomania, it might help them not feel so alone. Even the likes of Justin Timberlake and Leonardo di Caprio have stated that they have OCD, which can cause trichotillomania as a symptom. The point is that this disorder can happen to even the best of us, but it is in no way unbeatable or life ending.
Keep Fidgety Fingers Occupied
Giving your child’s fingers something else to do might help them resist the urge to pull out their hair. Some of these activities include, but are not limited to; typing, needle-work, playing piano, play dough or silly putty, cooking lessons or even watercolor painting. Find any activity they enjoy that keeps their hands focused on something else.
Coordinate a De-Stress Time
Talk with your child to try and identify specific times throughout the day where they feel the urge to pull out hair. Sometimes this can occur right before bedtime when they are alone and feel insecure. Playing soothing music before bed or even relaxing activities such as kid-friendly yoga or a warm bath could seriously help.
Cover Up the Hands
Utilize the “out of sight, out of mind” idea to help prevent your child from pulling hair. Let them dress up in cool gloves to keep their fingers from wandering to the scalp.
Makeup and Beauty Products
Since hair loss can affect self-esteem in a negative way, try to help your child focus on body image in a playful, fun way. Let your child experiment with makeup a bit if they enjoy it. The introduction of beauty products that enhance healthy hair may also be a step in the right direction. Let your child see that you really do care that he or she has a healthy body image as well.
Sometimes called trichnotherapy, this method has been proven to work on its patients due to the fact that the part of the brain that is affected by trichotillomania is also near the memory center. A good therapist can help your child do brain exercises or work with certain memories that may help to heal the mind and the body. Hypnotherapy works to aid in assessing you child’s life and specific circumstances to really get to the root of the problem.
It is possible to fully recover from trichotillomania, and with the right communication, help, and understanding, your child will be on their way to happiness, health, and a full head of hair. If your child suffers from trichotillomania and needs a hair replacement option to help cover up hair pulling, we are here to help. At Van Scoy Hair Clinics we offer many options to hair replacement. We invite you to a free consultation and you can make an appointment by calling (419) 289-6665 or clicking here!
Photo Credit: Sophie Via Flickr Creative Commons
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Female Pattern Baldness: Signs & Symptoms
Hair Loss Treatment Men WomenFor many of us, our hair is a huge part of our identity. It’s an ever-present style accessory, and most of us have given great thought to what message we want our hairstyle to convey. While our hair is sometimes a source of frustration, it’s usually a source of pride. If you think you are experiencing female pattern baldness, you’re probably worried and confused. That’s understandable!
You may be surprised to learn that male pattern baldness, which is something most people are familiar with, has a female counterpart. It’s surprisingly common. Androgenetic alopecia, as it’s technically called, affects millions of women worldwide. In some cases, it’s hereditary. In other cases, it’s a side effect of menopause or other physical change. According to Harvard Medical School, as many as two-thirds of post-menopausal women experience bald spots or thinning hair.
Female pattern baldness develops in three stages. Stage one is minimal thinning that you can easily camouflage by styling your hair strategically. Stage two involves a decrease in hair volume and a noticeably widening in-line part. Stage three involves prominent thinning where you can see the top of your scalp through your hair. If you think you may have female pattern baldness, a dermatologist or hair loss specialist can make that diagnosis for you. If you do receive a positive diagnosis, your first question will probably be, “What do I do about it?”
How to Deal with Thinning Hair
There are laser treatments that prevent hair loss from worsening and it can even regrow hair in some cases. Enhanced Hair Therapy (EPT) hair loss treatment is a revolutionary, non-surgical breakthrough for anyone suffering the devastating effects of hair loss. The success of EPT hair loss treatment for both men and women depends on the individual. It is recommended to begin laser hair loss treatment as soon as a person sees signs of thinning hair.
Many women prefer to deal with thinning hair in other non-invasive ways. Wigs can completely mask thinning hair and provide versatility that a full head of natural hair cannot. They’re affordable, low-maintenance, and provide an instant confidence boost. In some cases, hair extensions are also effective at masking thinning hair. A hair-care professional can evaluate your existing hair and decide if you’re a good candidate.
Talk to a Professional Hair Loss Specialist Near You
If you have developed female pattern baldness, you may feel alone. You’re definitely not. Fortunately, hair-care technology has evolved so you can love your hairstyle despite having this common condition. At Van Scoy Hair Clinics in Cleveland, Ashland, and Columbus, Ohio, we provide women with a diverse collection of hair loss solutions, including natural hair replacement systems.
If you are experiencing the devastating effects of hair loss and would like to learn more about the benefits of EPT Enhanced Hair hair loss treatment, we invite you to consider scheduling a free private, confidential consultation with a Van Scoy hair loss specialist to explore your options, get all your questions answered, and develop a personalized plan to address your hair loss concerns.
What to Expect After Hair Transplant Surgery
Men's Hair Restoration, Women's Hair RestorationHair transplant surgery can be life changing. You’ve worked with your hair restoration specialist and learned that a hair transplant could be a good option for you. The highly trained staff has provided you with a good understanding of the upcoming process. Now what can you expect after the surgery? Great question.
Two Weeks After Hair Transplant Surgery
Six Weeks After Hair Transplant Surgery
Six Months After Your Procedure
One Year Later
18 Months After Hair Transplantation
Causes of Irritant Dermatitis
Men's Hair LossWhat Does Irritant Dermatitis Look Like?
Irritant dermatitis is similar to the way a burn appears, and it can be solid red or patchy. On your scalp, irritant dermatitis causes hair loss, a rash and itchy discomfort. Additionally, you may experience a sensation of excessive warmth or tenderness, develop red bumps or blisters, or have scaly and thickened skin. Some people who suffer with irritant dermatitis may feel a burning sensation or pain, while skin inflammation and small cuts can also form. Symptoms can vary over time, depending on what caused the reaction in the first place. Irritant dermatitis frequently occurs due to hair products, cosmetics and perfumes, with your head, face and neck affected most often.
Treating Irritant Dermatitis
If irritant dermatitis occurs, you’ll want to find out why and cure it as quickly as possible. Complete cures can take three weeks or less. Why not contact your care provider and find out what you can do to treat it and prevent irritant dermatitis from recurring? Your provider will recommend treatment based on whatever is causing the problem, beginning with a throughout inspection of your skin and questions about any substances you’ve come in contact with recently. Allergy testing using skin patches may also be performed.
From avoiding exposure to specific substances to using topical medications including creams, ointments and moisturizers, or oral medications, there are a variety of ways to treat irritant dermatitis. Anti-itch lotions can soothe the skin while treatment takes effect, and when hair loss occurs, it can also be successfully treated.
Ohio Hair Loss Specialists
Van Scoy Hair Clinics has been serving men, women, and children across Ohio and beyond who suffer from hair loss, balding, and thinning hair. We specialize in non-surgical, non-invasive hair replacement and hair loss solutions for men and women. To schedule a free consultation call us at (419) 289-6665 or simply fill in the short, confidential form on our REQUEST CONSULTATION page.
Dealing With Hair Loss – New Year, New You
hair loss treatmentNew Year’s Resolutions – Restore Your Hair & Your Self-Confidence
If you are a man or woman in the Central Ohio area who is suffering from thinning hair and balding, we’ve gathered some information for you to help you make that decision to finally do something about it and do something for you.
How Badly Does Hair Loss Really Bother You?
Yes, it may be true that hair loss may not seem like a big deal when you compare it to some of the other types of health issues people face. If you take a look back through history, you will see that our hair has always been important. People will often judge your health by how your hair looks. Our hair can make us feel great, just think back to your last good hair day and you see what we mean. Your confidence level goes up when you have great looking hair. And people more often than not make an initial judgement about us based on our appearance – whether we look healthy and fresh. Hair loss can make you look 10 years older than you are (or feel).
A dermatologist and Harvard Medical School instructor Maryanne Senna, MD, who specializes in hair loss from an evolutionary perspective say that having hair that is thick and luscious has traditionally been a sign of youth, fitness, and good health. For a person to lose their hair it can be difficult to accept and for women, it can be even more detrimental to their self-esteem.
Hair Loss: What Can You Do?
Some people that have thinning hair may turn to the latest fad. Whether it be a new supplement or shampoo that comes with a promise of working or going on the internet where there is no shortage of information that is questionable at best. It’s a natural reaction to want to find a cure for your thinning hair. The problem with hair loss is that it is often tied to underlying genetic or medical issues. To really find a treatment that will work you need to first find out the real cause of your hair loss.
Some of the reasons that people in the midwest, as elsewhere, may develop hair loss can range from stress, autoimmune disorders, hormonal imbalances, and many, many other causes. By seeing a hair loss specialist, they can help you find the real cause of your hair loss, and help you find the right solution that not only will restore your hair but increase your self-esteem.
What Hair Loss Treatments are Available?
Today more than ever there are many different hair replacement and hair restoration options for men and women. They range from non-surgical hair replacement for men to Platelet Rich Hair (EPT) Hair Therapy, as well as amazing wigs for children with hair loss or who may be suffering from Trichotillomania. If you are one of the many men and women with thinning hair and are looking for a solution, we encourage you to let us help you. We have proven and effective hair replacement and hair restoration solutions that can make you love your hair again.
Are you ready to do something about your hair loss? Give us a call today and schedule a free, no-obligation hair loss consultation. Call 419-922-9300 now to get started on your journey to great looking hair and amazing self-confidence.
3 Hair Transplant FAQs
Hair Transplantation, Men's Hair Restoration, Women's Hair RestorationDoes it work? Does it hurt? How much does it cost?
There are a lot of questions to be asked regarding your decision to commit to hair transplantation for your primary hair restoration solution, but a large percentage of the numerous and various inquiries that initially come to mind when beginning to consider the process fall into one of these three broad categories. When reviewing options, it is typical and intelligent to seek out effective and efficient choices. Hair transplantation is naturally a more complicated procedure, and yet, its level of effectiveness and efficiency continues to make it Van Scoy’s most popular hair loss solution. So, does it work, does it hurt, and how much does it cost? Let’s take a look…
Does Hair Transplantation Work?
Of course! Hair transplantation is most commonly used for Male Pattern Baldness and Female Pattern Hair Loss, but it can also be performed for other permanent hair loss situations such as traumas or burns. During the procedure, hair is removed from areas of permanent growth and transferred to balding areas, also often referred to as a transfer from a donor site to a recipient site. This means that the new hairs are the natural hairs of the individual undergoing the transplant! Initially, moved hairs fall out prior to fresh, new growth in the recipient region that begins within 3 to 5 months. The hair that grows in here is exactly like the hair from the donor region. Transplanted follicular units maintain the color, texture, life cycle, and anticipated future growth patterns that they would have had they never been moved. For the most natural appearance, specialists will work with their patients to find their appropriate hair density, which often requires more than one procedure. With Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™, a procedure developed by our PAI Medical Group, more hairs can be transplanted per procedure (2 to 3 times more!), allowing for patients to reach their restoration goals in fewer procedures.
Do Hair Transplant Procedures Hurt?
A few days of slight discomfort is typical, but severe pain is not. The outpatient surgery itself takes approximately 6 to 8 hours under a local anesthetic only. The scalp may feel tight and achy immediately following the surgery, but this can be controlled by basic medications, and pain killers, if used, are rarely required for more than a day or two. Swelling, often in the forehead, should be expected for the first week. Scabbing too is common during the first week, but this crust begins falling away within days. Finally, the area will itch, especially the first few days after the surgery. This is normal, but it can be harmful to the transplanted follicles to scratch or rub them vigorously. Your specialist will provide post-operative care instructions that will include a variety of directives, from scalp care and activity level monitoring to the use of cold compresses and recommended pillow position.
How Much Does a Hair Transplant Cost?
The cost of hair transplantation can vary widely by procedure, ranging anywhere from $4,000 to $20,000 dependent on a patient’s needs including the amount of space to be grafted and the number of procedures required to meet desired outcomes. Additionally, anesthesia, medications, and blood work must be included as associated costs. A more accurate estimate of a specific individual’s expense for hair transplantation can be gained through a consultation with a hair restoration specialist during which time topics such as restoration goals, long term needs, financing, saved future costs (such as the comparison of a single hair transplant campaign versus the lifetime costs of wigs), and financing can also be explored and weighed.
Interested in asking more questions? Schedule your complimentary consultation with free hair and scalp analysis today!
Today’s Hair Transplants: How Are They Different?
Hair TransplantationThere are several new treatments available today, so talk to your transplant physician about the pros and cons of each method. Finally, be sure that your doctor is fully qualified for the method you choose.
FUT: Follicular Unit Transplantation (Surgical)
FUT is known as the Strip Method because a strip of the scalp is removed from the back of the head – both the “donor” area – and the scalp is then sutured back together. Hair grows in follicular units, tiny bundles of one to four hairs per follicle. These bundles are extracted from the donor strip, and individually transplanted. This is a big change from the old method, which used four-millimeter cylindrical bundles to produce that hair-plug effect. The drawback to FUT is the scar where the donor area was removed. If men choose very close-cropped hair styles, the scar may show. FUT takes about three to eight hours, and you’re back to work in two to six days.
FUE: Follicular Unit Extraction (No Surgery)
FUE doesn’t involve surgery. Instead, follicular units are individually extracted from the donor area and transplanted. This avoids surgery and a linear scar. The tiny circular scars are invisible and covered by hair. This procedure takes longer, about eight hours, and you’re back to work in one to three days, although larger transplants may take an additional session.
NeoGraft FUE (No Surgery)
NeoGraft is the newest, most advanced method of transplantation. It’s also the least invasive. Follicular units are removed from the donor area using a tiny punch to make a round incision, and removed with forceps. Then the units are separated and implanted. The fascinating thing about NeoGraft is that the punch can be done by hand or by a “robotic” method. It takes about the same time as a regular FUE procedure.
The MUHG Procedure: What is it?
The Following Explains How Multi-Unit Hair Grafting Works!
Multi-Unit Hair Grafting’s biggest benefit is that it always provides its patients with the most comfort, greatest density and most natural appearance while permanently restoring their hair. With proper planning, this medical procedure works to limit the visual signs of progressive, long-term hair loss all in-office.
This is done by utilizing a combination of many different-sized grafts and surgical technologies, all to best fit the individual needs of the patient. This combination works to create the natural appearance and desired density that patients expect in the least amount of visits possible. This limits cost and inconvenience.
Macro and micro multi-unit grafting transfers’ hairs in natural groupings, just as they are found. Using these multi-unit groupings, a natural hairline is created consistent with the patient’s realistic desires and age. The only constraints of this procedure are the quality and density of the hair in the donor region, limited curl, fine hair texture, and extremes in contrast between scalp and hair color. The grafts are then inserted into micro and mini slits that are pre-cut and designed to aesthetically fill in balding areas, improve the density of existing hair, and lower the hair line.
If you are thinking about Hair Transplants, then we invite you for a free consultation with one of our hair replacement specialists. We can discuss the best option for your situation. To schedule your free consultation, click here and visit us at Van Scoy Hair Clinics.
Hair Transplants & Psychological Benefits
Hair TransplantationThere is a quote from the NFL player Deion Sanders, “If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play good. If you play good, they pay good.” This can be interpreted as a good life begins with looking good. In a recent study that measured the Quality of Life in patients that suffered from Androgenetic Alopecia who were looking to have hair transplantation surgery, found that Deion’s words seemed true.
The study used a quality of life index to measure 120 participants’ life satisfaction before and after they had a hair transplantation procedure. What they found was patients suffering from male pattern baldness who had a hair transplant, it resulted in a greater psychological impact not only with their personal feelings but with the social response toward their problems. A hair transplant made those dealing with baldness look, and felt better and that made their lives better.
In 2008 a similar study was conducted that evaluated the psychological impact in men of hair loss due to male pattern baldness and in women that had generalized thinning and how under-going a hair transplant affected them. The study found that patients had hair loss and underwent hair transplant surgery experienced greater levels of happiness. Patients that experienced hair loss at an early age and were involved in an active social life were more prone to the negative side effect of being bald and they also seemed to reap the most benefit from having hair transplantation procedure. Their negative outlook seemed to be reversed after having the hair transplant surgery.
Considering that androgenic alopecia (hereditary pattern baldness) affects upwards to 50% of men and 10% of women worldwide, this study has inspiring implications. We know that a hair transplant can in fact not only improve the amount of hair someone can regain but also the quality of life for many patients increased greatly.
If you are considering a hair transplant, your first step is to schedule a hair and scalp consultation so we can access your hair loss conditions and see if you are a good candidate for a hair transplant procedure.
What You Should Know About an FUE Hair Transplant
Hair TransplantationAt VanScoy Hair Restoration Clinics, our team of dedicated Ohio hair transplant professionals are devoted to helping our clients achieve the look they want and deserve. One of the hair transplant methods we use is the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant system. Here is a quick overview of this method of hair transplantation and restoration:
How FUE Hair Transplants works
The hair on your scalp comes from a hair follicle in your scalp. The FUE hair transplant procedure is to individually transplant healthy hair follicles from the donor areas of the scalp and move them to another area where the hair is much thinner.
The older technique to perform a hair transplant surgery has been to remove a strip of your scalp with the hair follicles in it. The hair follicles would then be extracted and grafted into areas with there is thinning hair. This type of hair transplant would cause linear scars.
Thanks to advances, an FUE (Follicular Unit Excision) transplant method doesn’t require a strip of your scalp to be removed. Instead, we utilize a micro-punch. It leaves no trace of extraction. That means there is no scarring or large sections that need to heal.
FUE Hair Transplant Timeline
Each person is different, and much depends on the goal you wish to achieve along with the number of hair follicles that are needed. It is not uncommon that a couple of treatments may be needed. Each session can take several hours. We perform your FUE hair transplantation over the course of several days and after each session, you are free to go about your day. You do have to take care and protect the transplantation area so you can wear hats or get your head wet for approximately one week.
The perfect companion treatment for hair loss – often used in conjunction with hair transplantation – is Enhanced Hair Therapy. EHT Hair Therapy has been shown to boost your hair restoration results, even when used as a stand-alone procedure, to restore your hair and promote healthy hair growth in both men and women with all hair types. This technique involves harvesting growth factors from your own blood and then injecting them into the areas of the scalp that received hair follicles.
Recovery and hair growth are not the same for everyone. As your scalp accepts each follicle it will send it into the natural growth cycle. This means you may not see results for about three months. Give yourself a little patient and you will be rewarded with hair that is yours and will not fall out.
Male Pattern Baldness
Men's Hair Loss, Men's Hair RestorationMale Pattern Baldness
One interesting theory on why there is such a large percentage of male pattern baldness, advanced by Muscarella and Cunningham, suggests baldness came about in males through sexual selection as an enhanced signal of aging and social maturity, whereby aggression and risk-taking decrease and nurturing behaviors increase. This may have conveyed a male with enhanced social status but reduced physical threat, which could enhance his ability to secure reproductive partners and raise offspring to adulthood. Read more
Ways to Help Kids Overcome Trichotillomania
Hair Loss, Trichotillomania, Understanding hair lossIf you are the parent of a child suffering from trichotillomania, you might feel confused, embarrassed or even scared. It seems like such a bizarre bodily disorder, but truthfully, this may not be the case.
A possible reaction to stressful circumstances, Trichotillomania (trick-o-til-o-MAY-nee-ah) is a disorder that causes people to want to pull out their own hair. The following are a few tips that might help you manage your child’s Trichotillomania.
Be More Aware
First and foremost, it is important to understand as a parent that trichotillomania is not as uncommon as you might think. Time magazine reports that trichotillomania currently affects about two million Americans. The stressful adolescence phase is a common time for symptoms to start showing, where a majority start at age 12. It is also important to understand that the act of pulling out hair can feel good to your child and bring them instant gratification. Unconditional love and support is needed to help your child through this tough time.
Communicate Openly
If you find talking about the condition with your child or young adult difficult, you might want to try talking with support groups with kids near their age. If you cannot find a support group in your area, be sure to check online for support forums.
Celebrity Role Models
If a child knows that successful celebrities such as Charlize Theron, Megan Fox and Olivia Munn also suffer from trichotillomania, it might help them not feel so alone. Even the likes of Justin Timberlake and Leonardo di Caprio have stated that they have OCD, which can cause trichotillomania as a symptom. The point is that this disorder can happen to even the best of us, but it is in no way unbeatable or life ending.
Keep Fidgety Fingers Occupied
Giving your child’s fingers something else to do might help them resist the urge to pull out their hair. Some of these activities include, but are not limited to; typing, needle-work, playing piano, play dough or silly putty, cooking lessons or even watercolor painting. Find any activity they enjoy that keeps their hands focused on something else.
Coordinate a De-Stress Time
Talk with your child to try and identify specific times throughout the day where they feel the urge to pull out hair. Sometimes this can occur right before bedtime when they are alone and feel insecure. Playing soothing music before bed or even relaxing activities such as kid-friendly yoga or a warm bath could seriously help.
Cover Up the Hands
Utilize the “out of sight, out of mind” idea to help prevent your child from pulling hair. Let them dress up in cool gloves to keep their fingers from wandering to the scalp.
Makeup and Beauty Products
Since hair loss can affect self-esteem in a negative way, try to help your child focus on body image in a playful, fun way. Let your child experiment with makeup a bit if they enjoy it. The introduction of beauty products that enhance healthy hair may also be a step in the right direction. Let your child see that you really do care that he or she has a healthy body image as well.
Sometimes called trichnotherapy, this method has been proven to work on its patients due to the fact that the part of the brain that is affected by trichotillomania is also near the memory center. A good therapist can help your child do brain exercises or work with certain memories that may help to heal the mind and the body. Hypnotherapy works to aid in assessing you child’s life and specific circumstances to really get to the root of the problem.
It is possible to fully recover from trichotillomania, and with the right communication, help, and understanding, your child will be on their way to happiness, health, and a full head of hair. If your child suffers from trichotillomania and needs a hair replacement option to help cover up hair pulling, we are here to help. At Van Scoy Hair Clinics we offer many options to hair replacement. We invite you to a free consultation and you can make an appointment by calling (419) 289-6665 or clicking here!
Photo Credit: Sophie Via Flickr Creative Commons
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