hair transplants or hair replacement

Finding Your Solution: Hair Transplantation


There are a number of solutions available for specific types of hair loss and styling needs, and speaking with a specialist is the best way to decide which hair restoration avenue is the best for you. Today, Van Scoy takes a look at our most popular hair loss solution: hair transplants.

Hair transplantation is an outpatient solution for which both men and women with permanent hair loss are candidates. In fact, hair transplantation is most commonly used for Male Pattern Baldness and Female Pattern Hair Loss, but it can also be performed for other permanent hair loss situations such as traumas or burns. During the procedure, hair is removed from areas of permanent growth and transferred to balding areas, also often referred to as a transfer from a donor site to a recipient site. This means that the new hairs are the natural hairs of the individual undergoing the transplant!

Patient goals, current medications, medical history, and blood work will all be taken into consideration in order for a patient and their doctor to decide if a hair transplantation is the best option for them. Prior to the procedure, certain medications and alcohol consumption may be limited. The outpatient surgery itself takes approximately 6 to 8 hours under a local anesthetic only. While some swelling and bleeding can be expected, the doctor will provide post-operative care instructions that, when followed, can have the patient back to normal activity within a week or two.

Initially, moved hairs fall out prior to fresh, new growth in the recipient region that begins within 3 to 5 months. What is that hair like? Exactly like the hair from the donor region. Transplanted follicular units maintain the color, texture, life cycle, and anticipated future growth patterns that they would have had they never been moved. For the most natural appearance, specialists will work with their patients to find their appropriate hair density, which often requires more than one procedure. With Multi-Unit Hair Grafting™, a procedure developed by our PAI Medical Group, more hairs can be transplanted per procedure (2 to 3 times more!), allowing for patients to reach their restoration goals in fewer procedures. This route also saves the patient time, inconvenience, and money, added bonuses to the key benefit of a great looking head of hair.