Is Stress The Cause Of Your Hair Loss?
Hair Loss, Men's Hair RestorationMen's anguish from hair loss isn't precisely newsworthy, yet finding the reason for their hair loss can be groundbreaking. Heredity is typically the guilty party and most men credit it to terrible genes. What a few men don't understand is that…
FUE Hair Transplant: My Hair Is Back!
Hair TransplantationLike millions of men, my hair loss was gradual. It started out with just a few strands of hair on my pillow. As time went on, I would find more and more on my clothes as well. Then came a day when I looked at my hairbrush and noticed the amount…
Are the Holidays Dulling Your Hair?
Healthy Hair and BeautyDuring the holidays, everyone wants his or her hair to be on point. Hair stylists are likely to see an uptick in last-minute appointments as people prepare for holiday parties and galas. However, the holidays also bring many surprise stress…
The Top Six Reasons to Wear Human Hair Wigs
Custom Human HairWigsLosing hair can be psychologically devastating, as well as unsightly. Some people want a wig to look different for an occasion. Whether a person wants a new look or because they have hair loss is due to alopecia areata or cancer, looking good…
Alopecia Areata – Early Warning Signs
Custom Human HairWigs, Women's Hair RestorationAlopecia Areata: Symptoms and Remedies
Alopecia areata is a disorder where hair falls out in small areas. When the immune system attacks the hair follicles this is what causes alopecia to develop. Sudden male (female) pattern baldness or alopecia…
Hair Loss and Dating: The Fear Factor
Hair TransplantationFearing to Date When Experiencing Hair Loss
It can be exciting and fun to meet new people. Often you plan that first date you want everything to be perfect. You pick the best restaurant; wear the perfect outfit and you end up setting expectations…
Hair Loss – A Difficult Issue Especially If It Happens Earlier Than You Expect
Men's Hair RestorationQuite often hair loss will happen because of genetics. Even with that, it can occur at different times for different people and in varying degrees. There are some men that genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness but the signs of balding…
Not Your Father’s Hair Transplant
Hair Transplantation, Men's Hair RestorationIf your hair loss is something you have suffered with for a while, then you know exactly what it can do to your self-confidence. Today there are approximately 50 million men and 30 million women that suffer the effects of hair loss and baldness.
Is Hair Restoration Surgery Right for You?
Hair TransplantationFor many, hair restoration surgery has been an experience that was life-changing. If you are a good candidate, the procedure can improve your appearance and also your self-esteem and well-being. Before undergoing a hair transplant procedure,…
Hair Transplantation for the Young Patient
Hair Transplantation
There are often times when you come across a young patient that is highly interested in having a hair transplant procedure. A young patient refers to an individual that is 25 years of age or younger. Great care must be taken in considering…
Birth Control and Hair Loss
hair loss treatmentYou have probably read a headline somewhere or maybe you have even experienced it yourself, there is no doubt that birth control can have side effects like hair loss. Some women when they are taking the pill experience hair loss, while others…
Going Natural for Healthy Hair
Hair Extensions, hair loss treatment, Healthy Hair and BeautyHair loss is far more common than many men and women would like to admit. While some medical hair loss treatments can help, there is no magical cure for hair loss. The one thing you can do is take care of your hair and doing so naturally is…
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